Today was our first day of teaching. It started out with a Korean church service. Our group was given a Korean/English Hymnal, and we used that to sing the hymns. The service was a traditional service, so we could tell what where we were, but it was all in Korean so we couldn’t follow along all that well.
After the service, the congregation had a lunch for us. On the way to the lunch Steven, one of the kids in the congregation asked me if he could eat with me. So I ate with him and some other members in the congregation. They served a Korean dish, but they had cereal, bread, and jelly on a table with a note “For Teachers who like not spicy.”
Our first day at the seminary has introduced us to interesting people and we are looking forward to meeting many more in the rest of this week.
This morning was such a blessing. It was truly a joy to meet and worship with our brothers and sisters in Korea. I look forward to spending the rest of the week with them.
After lunch, we headed over to our classrooms, where we finally got to meet the children. We spent a couple hours getting to know them and trying to gauge how much English they already knew. Nathan and I played Hangman with them to practice their alphabet and words, and they won a lot before they even had any letters on the board. After class, we taught them how to play Red Rover and ate ice cream. The ice cream was very strange; it came in a plastic bottle and had to be squeezed out. It was very good though, and I hope they serve it again.
It was a great beginning to the camp, and we hope to have more students tomorrow.
I would very much like to let the world know that not all American kids are spoiled and guys are an awesome inspiration to your generation, and a blessing to all. God bless your time and see you safely home.