Thursday, August 11, 2011

Last Day of Teaching

So, today was our last day of teaching, and it was very bitter-sweet. It’s a good feeling to know that we made it through the camp, but the kids were just so much fun to work with and be around. Today, between all of the classes, we went through about 4 pounds of candy. Ben and Rebecca took candy and had their kids use them as the markers for Bingo. That definitely got rid of some candy. What was left we threw out the window to the kids that were still there afterwards. During the closing, the pastor of Palbok Lutheran Church said a prayer for us, gave us some awesome gifts, and we all took pictures together. With the help of some of the head people of the camp, the kids wrote us all notes and then Stella, the main woman in charge, and the other camp directors and whatnot made all of us books with the notes and some pictures of us that had been taken throughout the week, which was really awesome!


This is Caleb and I’s group for the week. They were so much fun to work with and they were super funny as well!



After the camp, we went out to eat, with two of the guys that helped out with the camp. It was an interesting dinner for a couple of reasons. One was that neither of them knew very much English, so communication was difficult, but with the resources available on phones these days, we were able to talk a little bit. Another reason that it was interesting was that everything they served us was raw, and we were in charge of adding it to the pot of broth in the middle of the table to make our supper. It was a lot of fun and very tasty. We only have a couple days left so we won’t be getting many more meals that are this interesting.


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